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bond paper a high-grade paper with some proportion of rag content, used for stationery and documents; bond.
pipe1 a usu. cylindrical tube of metal, plastic, wood, animal or plant tissue, or other material, through which a gas or liquid may flow. [13 definitions]
pipe2 a unit of capacity equal to about 126 gallons, used for measuring wine, oil, and the like. [2 definitions]
sandpaper paper coated on one side with a coarse or fine abrasive compound, used to abrade or smooth surfaces. [2 definitions]
sandpiper any of numerous small, wading shore birds with long slender bills.
standpipe a vertical water pipe, either within a building or without, that is filled to a certain pressure in order to allow water to flow at various valves.
tintype a positive photographic image made on a plate of tin or iron that has been coated with a sensitized film; ferrotype.
tune a sequence of agreeable musical tones; a melody. [12 definitions]
windpipe the air passage between the larynx and the bronchial tubes in air-breathing vertebrates; trachea.